Hi all, I have some videos on why I consider Guilty Gear Strive as not a Guilty Gear game.
These first few clips are going to show how (or almost how) every other Guilty Gear game looks with both combos and how air movement looks.
This is how Guilty Gear Strive looks with both combos, and air movement, in the exact same circumstances.
For air movement (the left video of each game, top if you are on mobile), Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 allows the player to airdash instantly, with no wind up. They also keep thier momentum as long as they are in the air. In Guilty Gear Strive, there is considerable wind up, and the momentum is dropped instantly after the initial air dash.
For combat, (the right video of each game, bottom if you are on mobile) Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 alows for many different buttons to be pressed in a combo, allowing for on the fly changes to any given combo. In Strive however, I only used two buttons, through the whole combo (excluding the Red Roman Cancel (AKA, the red ring half way through the combo.)) Not only that, but despite the same amount of hits, in Strive I had done considerably more damage than I did in Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2.
This makes the game slower, as if I even get a single combo, it deals around 50% of the opponents health, which makes both players play the game slower, which enforces the slow speed that the slow air speed momentum aready enforced, this make the game a hell of a slog to get through at times, and you'll see more timeouts that you would have otherwise.
Really, every character only needs to use the same 2 buttons except for Axl, but he's the only one. I can literally pick up a different character, and do the same combo, which is the only combo you'll ever need.
Case in point, I never played this character, nor looked at her specials, and I can use two buttons to get this combo.
Sure, there's there's a universal combo in Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 as well. But It isn't to the point where it's litterally the only combo you are going to see in a set. Hell, Slayer can't even do the universal combo, and is just generally outisde the norm. But I can't see a single charachter except for only Axel going outside the norm in combo routes.
In Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2, everyone is so unique, that no one combo will be true for the next. Sol Badguy can combo out of his comand grab without meter, but you need meter to combo out of it for Potemkin's comand granbs, Slayers, and Raven combos into and out of his grab. But if you go into Stive you'll see most combos start with Slash or Heavy Slash, and both are very prominent in every combo.
Now, I want to talk about the use of mether inside of guilty Gear. In Guilty Gear XX up until Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2, Roman Cancels had varying amounts of tension use based on certain conditions. For GGXXAC+R, roman cancels came in two forms. Roman Cansels costed 50% of the tension meter, and only applies to attacks that actually hit the opponent. Force Roman Cancles only applied to attacks that have an FRC window.
In Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2, Roman Cancels came in 3 flavours. Yellow, Red, and Purple. Yellow roman Cancel only costs 25%, because you are using meter when you are doing nothing at all, or you just sent a projectile and want to follow it. Red and Purple costs 50% red occurs when you are attcking and the opponent is in hitstun or blockstun. Purple RC occurs during the late frams of the attack and the opponent is not in block stun. In GGStive, it doesn't matter what the RC is, used, it will cost 50% tension. Even fro something as useless as the YellowRC.
(More to come...)